Detalii licitaţie

Mobility scheme for artists and/or culture professionals
Autoritate contractantă:
European Commission, DG Education,Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC)
Data de publicare pe TED:
Termen pentru primirea ofertelor:
English (en)
Detalii întrebare
Hand delivery of the original documents
Dear Sir/Madam, In the invitation to tender document under point 5 it says that "Original hand signed tender report and/or hand signed declaration on honour(s) must be sent by post immediately after submission, to the following address: European Commission DG EAC - Unit D2 Call EAC/18/2018 – Mobility scheme for artists and/or culture professionals Office J70 02/015 B1049 Brussels" Would it be possible to hand deliver the signed documents instead of sending them by post? If this is an option could you please provide the address for the hand delivery? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Dear Sir, if you prefer you can hand deliver the original tender at the same adress mentioned for the post. In that case, you should ask at the reception to call the secretariat of Unit D2 to come to reception it. Kind regards, DG EAC