Detalii licitaţie

Housing Exclusion: Problem Tree Analysis and Production of Policy Toolkit
Autoritate contractantă:
European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL)
Data de publicare pe TED:
Termen pentru primirea ofertelor:
English (en)
Detalii întrebare
Criterion T1
Dear sir, madam, We would like to ask you to reconsider criterion T1. We have the impression that the bar has been set unrealistically high by asking for "one project that included the organisation of seminars, roundtables, or similar participatory events and resulted in a study or report, completed in the last three years preceding the tender submission deadline in the field of homelessness or housing exclusion, with a minimum value for each of them of € 300.000". To our knowledge, also the EC itself has not had procurement on housing policy with that scope for years, and we do not believe any organization would be able to meet this criteria.
Thank you for your question. Tenderers are requested to submit examples of past projects in the field of homelessness, or in the field of housing exclusion. Housing exclusion is a broad policy field, with close links to many other social policy areas (poverty, social protection, social inclusion, anti-discrimination...). The size of the project required as an example is smaller than the actual tender, to allow for as open and as wide competition as possible, while keeping in with the policy field and scope relevant for the work that is to be commissioned.