Údaje o výzve na predloženie ponúk
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Participation in tender
Regarding to the contract notice with No: 2017/S 032-057176 dated on 15.02.2017 under the name "Belgium Brussels - Provision of services for quality assurance, quality control and project management of IT activities managed by or on behalf of DG Taxation and Customs Union (QA4)", I would like to ask a very short and clear question since we couldn't be sure about that. First of all, it's written within the notice that "The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement(GPA): yes" and we know that Turkey is not party to the GPA, but observer. Secondly, we aren't member of the EU as you know, but we are candidate country and carrying out a lot of works under special agreements. So could you please kindly say that are we eligible to apply for this tender? or how could we be eligible for that? or should we bid for the tender with a company from the EU side as a consortium?
As indicated in the contract notice under the section IV.1.8, this procedure is covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). The GPA is a multilateral agreement within the framework of the WTO, meaning that not all WTO members are Parties to the GPA. In conformity with the contract notice, only those companies/corporations registered in one of the EU countries or in a country having ratified the GPA can participate in this call for tenders. Turkey has not ratified the GPA. Since 04/06/1996, it has only an observer status in the GPA Committee. Nevertheless, your company could act as subcontractor of another economic operator who has access to the EU procurement procedures.