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15.CAT.OP.042 - ‘Cyber defence training and exercise, coordination and support p...
Upphandlande myndighet:
European Defence Agency (EDA)
Publiceringsdatum i TED:
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English (en)
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Request to issue reference document
We are currently analyzing the Technical Specifications, our attention has been caught by a reference document having title “Cyber Defence - Training Need Analysis (TNA)” and dated 2013. In order to comply at our best with the requirements related to the abovementioned project, we would like to have access to such reference documentation. To this end we ask if you could kindly provide us with the “Cyber Defence - Training Need Analysis (TNA)”. Should such documentation be confidential, we would be of course at EDA’s disposal for the signature of a dedicated NDA (if applicable).
At this stage even under an NDA the TNA is not releasable. Relevant aspects for the tendering procedure and the design of the CD TEXP are the Cyber Defence competencies and skills framework (CD CSF). Not disclosing the content the CD CSF has identified 19 different roles/functions in 4 major training audiences groups (Any ICT user, Staff officers (J1-9), Senior Decision Makers and Cyber Defence specialists). The CD CSF also identified 49 relevant cyber defence task that have to be fulfilled by the different roles at a different level of expertise (understand, apply, analyse, evaluate). As page 11 of the tender specifications requests an “Interactive Cyber Defence Competencies and skills framework” the solution must be able to handle any combination of these 19*49*6 options in the skills framework in an interactive manner and that any of these combinations could be e.g. integrated/derived from a job description, integrated as learning objectives in course/training or exercise curricula etc.. As the cyber defence domain is a rapidly evolving domain also additional scalability is required to be able to cope with expected changes and increases in the competencies and skills requirements, the numbers of different roles as well as the task domain.