Uppgifter om anbudsinfordringar

Provision of services for quality assurance, quality control and project managem...
Upphandlande myndighet:
European Commission, DG Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD)
Publiceringsdatum i TED:
Sista anbudsdag:
English (en)
Uppgifter om fråga
Structure of the technical tender
Regarding pages 11 and 12 from Annex 4 “Guidebook for Tenderers”, section 6.4.3. “Elements to be separated from the rest of the offer”, we understand that we need to separate the technical tender into two different folders: Folder 1 must be comprised of sections 0 to 3 including (pages 1 to 11) from Annex 1 Questionnaire including the described there supporting documents; Folder 2 must be comprised of sections 4 to 5 including (pages 12 to 26) from Annex 1 Questionnaire including the described there supporting documents. Both folders (originals + copies + USB/CD) must not be placed inside two separate envelopes, but they must be placed directly inside the envelope labeled “Technical”. Could you please confirm?
Folder 1 must contain 1 original + 2 copies of - all documents related to Annex 1 - Questionnaire pages 1 to 30 - your technical proposal Folder 2 must contain 1 original + 2 copies of your financial quotation and its supporting documents, And the following elements of your offer must be submitted in separate binders or folders, which must be clearly labelled - the list with personal data referred to in section 6.3.4, where applicable, - the financial identification form7, the legal entity form8 and the “power of attorney” form (if applicable), - an electronic copy of these elements (see section should be provided on separate hard supports, which must also be clearly labelled.