Call for tenders' details

Multiple Mixed Framework Contract for the Implementation of the Green Advisory S...
Contracting authority:
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Step 10:
Based on step 10: Expert submits interim and final reports to Contractor. Contractor verifies performance (completeness) against the Advisory assignment fiche milestones, update the Assignment workflow log, and pays expert upon delivering the final report (with complete deliverables) to Contractor and beneficiary. Based on this description, the Contracting Authority will not be involved in approving reporting and performance of the contractor’s proposed expert and therefore the advisory services provided to the beneficiary?
Please note that annex 9 serves as illustration. The experts’ cost and expenses shall be paid by the Contractor following verification of required supporting documents as described in Design Task 4, which clearly indicates a very active role of the Contractor during the advisory service process. This includes the assessment of the completeness of the reports provided by the expert. The Contractor concludes that the final report prepared by the expert corresponds to the requirements regarding form and content and that all the agreed deliverables are satisfactory and have been provided to the beneficiary.