Call for tenders' details

Please note that the time limit for receipt of tenders has been extended. Instead of 07/12/2015 Time: 17:00 Read:11/12/2015 Time: 13:00 A corrigendum will be published in the OJ in the coming days.
15.ESI.OP.162 Overarching strategic research agenda and CapTech SRAs harmonisati...
Contracting authority:
European Defence Agency (EDA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Questions and remarks on Call for Tenders 15.ESI.OP.162. (cf. p. 29 in Specifications): Q8
Q8. Items c-f in p. 18 seem to indicate that each CapTech has its separate ECP portal and that an additional separate portal is to be built for OSRA. Elsewhere ECP is presented as a single portal, however with different workspaces. Are we right in assuming that the “different ECP’s” in p. 18 are what is elsewhere referred to as different ECP workspaces?
The right terminology to be used is: ECP means EDA Collaborative Platform. ECP is the single IT platform, based on SharePoint 2013. This platform allows the creation of Workspaces. The Workspaces are a space/forum/portal to allow collaboration, within ECP. The main features of these workspaces have been explained in previous answers. Also, as mentioned in previous answers, each CapTech has a workspace in the ECP, allowing collaboration and work among CapTech members. All the CapTechs workspaces are built in a common way, including standard features, such as a library, lists, discussion boards, calendar or wiki. Furthermore, a workspace for the OSRA can be easily created, if needed. The reference to “different ECP’s” refers to the different Workspaces in ECP.