Call for tenders' details

Interplay between the EU ETS registry and the post-trade infrastructure in the f...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
PART 3: ASSESSMENT AND AWARD OF A CONTRACT2.2. Technical and professional competence;
'The total time allocation should be split so that team members with top level qualifications contribute 30-40% of the time, members with middle level qualifications contribute 40-50% of the time and members with lower level qualifications the remaining time.' Question: is this distribution amongst the team members imperative/mandatory? In other words; will not meeting this distribution criterium lead to exclusion?
The requirement you are referring to i.e. the distribution of time to be spent on the project among team members forms part of the selection criteria (Point 2.2 Technical and professional competence). Therefore, this requirement needs to be fulfilled if the submitted tender is to be examined in the light of the award criteria. If a tenderer does not demonstrate that this requirement is satisfied, the selection criteria will not be fulfilled and the tender cannot be considered for award.