Call for tenders' details

Language learning and assessment in all official languages of the EU.
Contracting authority:
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Tender specification. 3.2.3 Technical and professional capacity: References from the customer should be included.
May the tenderer use the ECDC-customer as a reference?
The tender specifications, in section 3.2.3.A, request that tenderers “provide a list of at least ten language courses (excluding Business English), standard and tailor made, delivered to an adult audience during the last two years, to private or public organisations”. In addition, “two courses should be provided as detailed examples to illustrate work delivered and should include the number of participants, name of clients, contract lengths and description of the services provided. The tenderer must also provide a sample of a course plan. References from the customer should be included”. “References” are documents from the previous clients, confirming that the tenderer provided the mentioned services to them. References also indicate whether the client was satisfied with the mentioned services, and whether they recommend the services of the provider. ECDC does not provide detailed references to companies regarding the services they have delivered.