Call for tenders' details

Call for tender No Chafea/2016/Health/03 concerning development of specific trai...
Contracting authority:
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
National experts
On page 18 of TS under Task 7 it is stated: "The Contractor should specify in the offer experts from the national health organisations of the proposed Member States and countries who should be joint tenders or subcontractors able to contribute to the pilot trainings." Could you please clarify what is exactly meant by this paragraph?
The indicated paragraph […The Contractor should specify in the offer experts from the national health organisations of the proposed Member States and countries who should be joint tenders or subcontractors able to contribute to the pilot trainings…] should be read jointly with the previous one which states: […The national pilot training programmes will be done in collaboration with the national stakeholders, as well as health, education and security authorities responsible for the capacity building of health professionals and service providers, European and national Health professionals associations, NGOs, law enforcement - Police schools, etc. The collaboration should as well aim to ensure the replication and sustainability of the health professionals and law enforcement officers training programmes. …] The above mentioned collaboration is therefore fundamental for the execution of the task and needs to be supported by the contribution of the identified organisations to the contract execution either as joint tenders or subcontractors.