Call for tenders' details

Framework contract for the provision of services in the areas of evaluation, imp...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
3.7.2. Quality Criteria 2 and 3: case studies/simulated Request for Services
Re the "Simulated Request for Services 2" for Lot 1 - ‘Study supporting the impact assessment on joint procurement of pandemic vaccines including a long-term monitoring strategy’, page 25 of the Terms of Reference. We note the 2011 impact assessment and subsequent work of the Commission in this area. Do we understand correctly that a tenderer should prepare a proposal assuming a new package of policy options relating to joint procurement of pandemic vaccines in the EU? If so, will the Commission specify any elements of that hypothetical policy initiative or should the contractor develop its own ideas?
Indeed, tenderers should prepare a proposal assuming a new package of policy options. Tenderers should present their own ideas based on their knowledge of the current policy context and recent developments.