Call for tenders' details

Framework contract for the provision of services in the areas of evaluation, imp...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Economic and financial capacity criteria "Simplified presentation form"
1) You have mentioned in 4 Answer, that Simplified presentation form should be filled for the last closed financial year, instead of previuosly mentioned two financial years. Could you please refer to the document, where this amendment is written, because neither terms of reference, nor Annex VII is amended regarding this change. 2) Once we fill in the "Simplified Presentation" form and values will be calculated in the Analysis tab, in what format (Excel or PDF) it should be saved electronivally and whether both tabs (Simplified presentation and Analysis) are neccessary to include?
1) There will be no amended version of the tender specifications for this purpose. The answers provided to the questions are part of the tender documentation. In the corrigendum that will be soon published this modification will also appear. Annex VII does not need to be modified. 2) Both Excel and PDF formats are acceptable but Excel is preferable. Both tabs (simplified presentation and Analysis) should be included.