Call for tenders' details

Study on ‘Media literacy and online empowerment issues raised by algorithm-drive...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CON...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Tender specifications - Objectives, tasks and Methodology - Clarification of typo mistake under "tasks", p.6.
The document says: "The contractor should rather use existing literature and market analysis (commissioned by the Commission7 or conducted by other institutions) then conducting extensive own original research work. It will be acceptable to extrapolate from work already done. Original research works of the contractor should focus on obtaining new data and information." It is unclear if "then" implies that an initial SOTA is required, and later in the project to produce original work and data, or whether "then" should be "than", and so the study should focus on a SOTA approach. Please clarify. Thank you.
Indeed, "then" should be "than". Apologies for this typo mistake. So the last part of your paragraph applies: we need reporting and analysis of existing state-of-the art undertaken by third parties and not new market research undertaken by the contractor.