Call for tenders' details

ICT Consultancy
Contracting authority:
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Cancelled after publication
English (en)
Question details
Selection criterion 3 of technical and professional capacity
Could you please clarify the technical and professional capacity selection criterion 3, using the hypothetical assumption that a tenderer is composed of 2 companies, A (leader) and B (member)? Company A provides 5 reference contracts covering 8 of the 16 requested profiles, and company B provides 5 reference contracts covering 7 of the remaining profiles (>90% profile coverage in total). All references of both companies, refer to staff placed by the companies themselves and not from other subcontractors or consortium members (of the entity-ies executing the referenced contracts). Can you confirm that the consortium of A and B meets the selection criterion 3 of the technical and professional capacity? If not, could you please clarify what is expected from each tenderer to meet this criterion?
In accordance with Art. 2.2 of the Tender specifications, the selection criteria for technical and profesional capacity of a consortium will be assessed in relation to its leader as the leader itself should have sufficient capacity and experience with provision of the relevant services. It means that selection criterion 3 in Art. 4.3.3 must be met by the leader. Therefore, the consortium of A and B as described in the question does not meet this criterion.