Call for tenders' details

The deadline for submission of tenders has been extended to 19 March 2018. The deadline for sending questions has been extended to 7 March 2018.
Provision of External Staff and Services in Support of IT Infrastructure and Ope...
Contracting authority:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Two-week on-boarding training
According to the Terms of Reference (section 7.5, page 70): “Initial newcomer […..] Training will have a duration of two weeks and will be done before the staff member joins the EIB mission […..] ” Please clarify: 1. Whether for each consultant the Service Provider will invoice the EIB 10 working days for the two-week on-boarding training. 2. Whether the EIB will provide the Service Provider with all necessary input material (e.g., Information Security Policy and Plans, Code of Conduct governing all persons working at EIB, Confidentially Obligations), and where necessary with directions, that will enable the Service Provider to develop the on-boarding training material 3. Whether in the handover required staffing levels at the specific points in time (30%., 60%, and 100%, at the takeover end of month one, two, and two and a half respectively) include or exclude the two-week on-boarding period. In the former case (inclusion), the Service Provider is required to have formed the takeover team at the end of half month, one and a half month, and two months at levels 30%, 60%, and 100% respectively, and then devote the subsequent two weeks for the on-boarding training. In the latter case (exclusion), the required takeover team staff levels of 30%, 60%, and 100% will have to be achieved at the end of month one and a half, two and a half, and three months respectively.
1. The onboarding of new staff is described in Section 7.11 and the training of such new staff is described in Section 7.5. In esssence new resources shall be trained for 10 business days (=two calendar weeks) before joining EIB mission. While in training, these staff do not contribute to the required minimal presence onsite. Time spent during this training period shall not be invoiced to the Bank. 2. After signature of the Agreement the EIB will make available to the Service Provider the relevant input materials. 3. As far the the hand over of present activities is concerned (Section 7.21 of the Terms of Reference) EIB expects that 30% of the total number of FTEs expected in their respective lots (lots 1 through 3) with at least one FTE per profile is provided to EIB within one month from the date of signature of the Agreement by both parties. Consequently the onboarding training starts after the first month. The same shall apply to those FTE which are to be provided after 2 and 2.5 months from the date of signature of the Agreement by both parties.