Call for tenders' details

The deadline for submission of tenders has been extended to 19 March 2018. The deadline for sending questions has been extended to 7 March 2018.
Provision of External Staff and Services in Support of IT Infrastructure and Ope...
Contracting authority:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Nearshore V Continuous, On-call
• Est-ce que nous avons bien compris que le Nearshore a les même exigences que le service Continuous (scope, horaires, backup…) ? • Est-ce que nous avons bien compris que le budget du service On-call doit couvrir les appels mais aussi les interventions (par ex. les P1 du service Continuous) ? Quelle est la volumétrie mensuelle et quelle est la durée actuelle moyenne du traitement des incidents ?
1. Your understanding is correct. 2. The monthly fee covers the availability to answer the calls. The interventions however will be invoived on time and material basis. 3. EIB cannot provide this information as it is not predictable. In addition EIB does not deem this relevant for establishing the monthly fee, knowing that the intervention will be paid on time and material basis.