Call for tenders' details

Contracts for RPAS VTOL Services for Emissions Monitoring and Maritime Surveilla...
Contracting authority:
European Maritime Safety Agency
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Operational Location clarify for LOT1
In from EN-03 Tender Specifications Appendix 1 Technical Specifications, it is stated that "however the service could also be offered to any MS who could use them in other areas." Is this mean that the tenderer chooses the operational location port with the only criteria to be inside SECA?
It is up to the requesting user (as defined in §1.1.12 of EN-03 Tender Specifications Appendix 1 Technical Specifications) to define the deployment area based on the operational needs and to propose a suitable location to run the operations from, which is not limited to SECA areas as per § of EN-03 Tender Specifications Appendix 1 Technical Specifications and is not necessarily close to a port. The contractor defines his on-site logistical requirements in §7 of the RPAS Passport (see 06 Tender Specifications App1 TS Enclosure 3 Template - RPAS Passport) which will be considered by the requesting Member State when proposing a location, as explained in §4.1.11 of EN-03 Tender Specifications Appendix 1 Technical Specifications. The contractor will be required to perform a site survey within the scope of Module 1 activities to confirm the suitability of the location proposed.