Call for tenders' details

Framework contract for expert advisory support to the European space policy and ...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Questions on Call for Tender No ENTR/341/PP/2013/FC
Question 1: Regarding the table with fees/profile a) The Terms of Reference allows the contractor to foresee a category “other profiles”. Is it possible to foresee various different types of “other profiles” or should this remain 1 single category only? b) Is it possible to differentiate the fees in function of the type of Tasks falling under the Framework Contract? E.g. a different fee/day for a Senior Consultant for Task 1 in comparison to Task 4? Question 2: Would it be possible to provide an indication on the division of the overall volume of services (€ 20 mio) over the 4 different tasks identified in the Terms of Reference?
1a) Yes, it is possible to foresee more than one "other profiles". 1b) As specified in the Unit price catalogue in the Invitation to tender (page 43), the prices should be per profile, no differentiation should be done on the task. 2) No, it is not possible. One of the reason of concluding this procurement procedure with the signature of a framework contract is the difficulty of specifying exact quantities of work per task and time period over the next four years.