Call for tenders' details

Provision of Services in the Field of Marketing Consultancy and Content Producti...
Contracting authority:
European Investment Fund
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Lot 4: Definition of a 'dedicated social media agency'
In the section of the tender regarding Lot 4. (4.1.1 Description of Services, page 17) it reads "The selected Service Provider will be a dedicated digital and social media agency, having in-house expertise and capacity to produce and to carry out such tasks and create a wide range of creative contents on an ongoing basis in collaboration with the EIF" could you please define precisely what the phrase "a dedicated digital and social media agency, having in-house expertise and capacity" means and exactly how a contractor would qualify to be accepted under this definition. Thank you.
A dedicated digital and social media agency means a company whose primary business profile and expertise is in online marketing especially social media channels. Whereas it might offer other services to clients - such as graphic design for print as an example - its core expertise lies in data-driven insights related to what works and how in the online space, in particular social media platforms as they continuously evolve. The selected Service Provider should have specific expertise in SEO as well as digital and social media promotion with a clear understanding of metrics in this field. Furthermore, whereas a number of social media contents may be produced by other EIF providers across the board, the selected Service Provider should be able to conceptualise, create and deliver contents devised specifically for social media use as per the EIF's instructions incl. based on data analytics of platforms, through its own in-house resources in a rather short turnaround time. Tenders will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria provided in Annex 4.