Call for tenders' details

>>> Please note: The submission deadline has been extended to 18/1/2019, 16:00 h local time <<<
Provision of External Services for Conception, Development, Implementation, Main...
Contracting authority:
Council of the European Union
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Questionnaire and Annexes
With reference to QA 1 it is stated that “(1) The replies shall be provided in the dedicated fields of the form, and only one single form shall be submitted. (2) You may not use your own form or template.” However due to difficulty of use of the Technical Evaluation Questionnaire in terms of formatting, our understanding is that we can also use our own individual template (taking into account the maximum number of words per question) for each question and make the appropriate reference in the boxes of the technical evaluation questionnaire. Could you please confirm that our understanding is correct or clarify if not?
The questionnaire template is a simple word document and provides some cells for the replies to the questions. We think that therefore it is considered flexible enough to accommodate the needs of the requested information.