Call for tenders' details

Study on the Training Needs of Court Staff on EU Law in the EU
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers (JUST)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Tender specifications, p.19, section 4.2.4. B. ‘Criteria relating to the team delivering the service’, regarding B2 – Language quality check
According to Criterion B2 (p.19) ‘at least half of the members of the team should have at least C1 level in the Common European Framework for References for Languages in English’. • Do you mean half of the minimum team members as suggested by you in this section or half of the actual members proposed by the tenderer? • Is our understanding correct that individuals allocated to profile B2 (Language quality check) could at the same time be allocated to another position (B1, B3 or B4)?
Half of the minimum team members as suggested by the tender specifications should have at least C1 level in English. Individuals allocated to profile B2 could at the same time be allocated to another position (B1, B3 or B4).