Call for tenders' details

A Strategic Way Forward: Transformational Organisation, Project and Change Manag...
Contracting authority:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
7.3.2 Technical and professional capacity for all lots and Dead of Undertaking
The tenderer is a member of a network of professional services firms. If the tenderer presents a reference of another member firm of the same network in order to satisfy the pass/fail rule, is this other member firm than automatically considered being a subcontractor? Does this other member firm that provided the reference then have to sign next to the letter of committment (outlined in 7.3.2) also a Deed of Untertaking?
With regard to criteria relating to the technical and professional ability, a tenderer may rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has with them. However, as references demonstrate the tenderer’s relevant professional experience, it may only rely on the references of other entities where they will be involved in the performance of the services for which these capacities are required. In principle, EIB would require that such other entity, whose reference(s) is/are presented in order to meet this technical and professional selection criterion, participates as a subcontractor or consortium member in the tender. In case of networks, given the relative proximity between network firms, a letter of commitment would be sufficient. The deed of undertaking is only to be signed by tenderers or members of a consortium, but not by subcontractors/not-tendering network firms.