Call for tenders' details

Study on Opportunities arising from the Inclusion of Hydrogen Energy Technologie...
Contracting authority:
Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (CHJU)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Request for clarifications on Tender Specifications point 4.2.4 A. at page 15 regarding Evidence A1 and A2.
We understand the criteria relating to tenderers as the need for outlining in our offer a list of qualifying project references. However, we would like to ask for a clarification of Evidence A1 and A2. Can you please confirm that the wording in the Tender Specifications “to be provided only on request” for these two evidences is to be understood that the selected tenderer (similarly to Evidence for Criterion B1) after the award decision and prior to the signature of the contract, may be required by the Contracting Authority to provide the following: with regards to Evidence A1, statements issued by clients validating period of services delivery in the last 3 years, value of projects and scope of work in the fields of Fuel cells and hydrogen sector, energy modelling / policy at regional or national level, data collection; with regards to Evidence A2, one document in English of at least 10 pages drafted by the tenderer in the last 2 years, published or delivered to a client.
Concerning your clarification request for the two evidence A1 and A2, we confirm your understanding is correct: - For evidence A1, the tenderer shall provide "references" for 3 projects delivered in the required fields. The project "references" definition is indicated in the second paragraph of section 4.2.4, sub-section 'A.Criteria relating to tenders', as follows: "The project references indicated below consist in a list of relevant services provided in the past three years, with the sums, dates and clients, public or private, accompanied by statements issued by the clients." - for evidence A2, the required proof is a document of 10 pages in English delivered to a client in the last two years. Concerning your statement that "(...) the selected tenderer (similarly to Evidence for Criterion B1) after the award decision and prior to the signature of the contract (...)", we would like to bring to your attention the last two paragraphs on page 13 of the Tender Specifications, under section '4.2.1. Declaration and evidence', which clarify the evaluation of the selection criteria: "The Contracting Authority will evaluate the selection criteria on the basis of the declarations on honour. In the course of the procedure, the Contracting Authority will contact tenderers to provide the supporting evidence mentioned below in sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 under paragraphs marked as “Evidence to be provided on request”. Such evidence must be provided before signature of the contract and within a deadline given by the contracting authority. Please note that a request for supporting documents in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful."