Call for tenders' details

Framework Service Contracts for Providing Assistance for Quality, Laboratory, En...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
italiano (it) English (en)
Question details
3. Lot 3_Tender specifications_Part 1_Administrative_Annex - Punto 2.3.3 Criterion T1 - Evidence
In the call for tender is requested that the references are accompanied by 'certificates of satisfactory service execution'. It is correctly understood that every reference is accompanied by a SOA (certificate of work's execution)? The type of services provided by our company (consultancy HSE) does not foresee the release of SOA, therefore what is necessary to declare? The list of references is sufficient?
In order to satisfy criterion T.1 it is necessary to provide a list of projects meeting the minimum level of capacity. This list shall be accompanied by a certificate and/or declaration issued by the recipients, specifying whether they have been fully completed and carried out in a professional manner. In the Administrative Annex for lot 3 a typing mistake has been identified, the certificates shall be at least 3. The document will be soon corrected.