Call for tenders' details

ENER/D3/2020-245 Implementation of Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedne...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Energy (ENER)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
N° ENER/D3/2020-245 "Implementation of nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response requirements in EU Member States and neighbouring countries"
Dear Sirs, with reference to the above tender procedure, and specifically to the selection criterion A1 related to the experience in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety with specific experience in radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness and response, we kindly ask whether projects carried out in the field of nuclear safety analysis, functional to but separated from subsequent emergency preparedness plans, can equally be considered as valid references.
As per section 4.2.4. of the tender specification, ‘Technical and professional capacity criteria and evidence’, under Criterion A1, tenderers must prove specific experience in radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness and response in the context of the European Union as well as in survey techniques, data collection, data analysis, organising workshops with governmental, NGO and civil society representation, drafting reports and recommendations.