Call for tenders' details

Supply of Laboratory Gases for the JRC Sites of Ispra and Petten
Contracting authority:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en) italiano (it)
Question details
Clarifications (criterion T3)
Criterion T3 "Equipment and manpower": among the supporting documents is required to the bidder to provide a declaration of the average annual manpower and the number of managerial staff of the service provider in the past three years and provide names proposed for the transport, distribution and management of products and services, to prove that they are appropriately qualified as required by current legislation. It is requested to clarify what it is intended for annual average manpower. Given the variety of products and services required, the impact of manpower can be expressed as a percentage of the production cost of the individual categories of products but it is problematic to define an average value considering that the incidence of distribution and management services of products has a very different impact even within a single category. It is also requested to clarify whether the names of the people related to transportation, product management and distribution and requested services are intended for the people who perform the internal distribution service or also the names of the staff assigned to the primary transport of liquid and compressed gases.