Call for tenders' details

DIGIT/R2/PO/2014/043 cloud services.
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Informatics (DIGIT)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Setup fees for a specific service
Annex 1 - Service requirements 7. Pricing In section 7.1, the document reads "It is accepted that providers can mention setup fees for a specific service. Setup fees shall be requested once at the setup of the specific service for the whole duration of the specific contract. With the exception of cases listed in sections 4 and 5 existence of setup fees which represent more than 25% of the yearly running cost of a specific service will penalise providers in the evaluation of their offers." Could the Commission explain where the setup fees may be reflected in the pricing sheets and/or scenario?
Tenderers shall disregard in Annex 1, section 7.1: "With the exception of cases listed in sections 4 and 5 existence of setup fees which represent more than 25% of the yearly running cost of a specific service will penalise providers in the evaluation of their offers". No penalty will be applied, as it is the case in Annexes 4.8, 5.8 and 6.8.