Call for tenders' details

Support for the Coordination of and Synergies between Projects under the Horizon...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (RTD)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Setting-up of the website
In chapter 2.3 point (f) of the technical specifications the tender requires the possibility of the website for the cluster members to exchange among themselves and with other relevant stakeholders their experiences, good practices and relevant information. Point (g) further mentions “a restricted access network (Intranet), based on an IT platform provided by the Contracting Authority (CIRCABC)”. We understand the exchange of information between the stakeholders mentioned in task 3.f will be allowed through the requirements mentioned on task 3.g (via intranet). We assume the tenderer will not need to develop on it own the intranet, as it be based on an existing IT platform (CIRCABC). What would be needed is an integration between the GDC website and this CIRCABC platform. Could you confirm our understanding?
The CIRCABC platform is a service provided by the Commission, which can be used to set up the intranet for internal communication among cluster participants. The system includes certain tools like automatic information of registered users of new documents uploaded to the site. The contractor will animate the intranet by uploading information (in particular, documents that should not be shared with the general public) and by requesting participants to upload certain types of information, etc. The CIRCABC platform is a separate environment from the website, and it cannot really be integrated with it. The website may also be used for communication among cluster participants, but information uploaded on the website will be publicly accessible. The website on the Europa server cannot contain a restricted access section.