Call for tenders' details

Organisation of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards, the SME Week and the S...
Contracting authority:
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agen...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Travel and accommodation
On page 17 of the tender specification it is stated that "DG GROW.H. and EASME will *likely* use the services of another contractor for travel and accommodation arrangements including registration of participants... in case another contractor is used for these tasks... ". Please clarify whether or not tenderers should include provision for these expenses in their price proposal. Please also clarify how payment of these expenses and the associated management costs will be managed in case the contractor himself is used.
The provision of travel and accommodation services to participants is not part of the current contract; the word "likely" only indicates that Commission services have the possibility to use a contractor or reimburse participants for their expenses. Therefore, the tenderers are not expected to include these expenses in their price. However, in the event such services are provided by another supplier, the contractor is required to maintain close contact and cooperation with that supplier, and to assist in any possible way so that participants can enjoy a smooth trip to, stay at and trip back from the event. From that perspective, a provision for associated management costs (staff costs) in relation to this service can be expected in the financial offer. The contractor is expected to manage the enrolment of participants. This includes creating the registration form(s) or providing all information and models necessary for the creation of these forms, managing the information in the registration database, extracting details to manage the follow-up process, publishing and dispatching confirmations, producing and dispatching lists of participants to other involved parties, managing communications by letter, e-mail and telephone, dispatching all relevant information and regularly updating the list of participants both for the conference and for the ceremony. From that perspective, a provision for associated management costs (staff costs) in relation to this service can be expected in the financial offer.