Call for tenders' details

Please note that questions submitted between 23.12.2021-09.01.2022 will be answered from the 10.01.2022.
Behavioural Experiment with Farmers
Contracting authority:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
In the technical specification it says: "Recruitment: phone, face-to-face and/or online contacts. A combination of recruitment methods is possible in order to increase the representativeness of the sample." Does this include the option to directly conduct face-to-face interviews, as long as the data are entered online?
Yes, the contractor may select the delivery method of the experiment which according to him is the best suited to undertake the field work. The only requirement is that the experiment is undertaken in the same manner by all the samples (e.g. filling in the questionnaire in an electronic platform on a computer or tablet having access to the instructions, video and comprehension questions as described in section 3.1). Whether this is done fully on-line (e.g. sending links to farmers) or in a hybrid manner (bringing farmers to a venue where they do the experiment on-line) is up to the contractor to decide. The contractor shall report the different delivery modes used in the methodological report (section 3.7).